Thursday, 16 October 2008


I know I said I would start blogging properly again, but I figured posting a meme or two would break up the monotony of reading my ramblings ^^ This is an interesting one that's done the rounds recently; I don't usually do this sort of meme due to being unable to think of anything to put, but I shall try...

10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now...
a) I'm still not sure if you were being serious when you said that, and can't help thinking you were...
b) You've changed. Sometimes I can't help but think you're not any better than the other rude, childish, thoughtless idiots on the internet. But I can't say anything because I don't want to lose you as a friend
c) It's not that I don't want to, but I just can't bring myself to say anything
d) I really wish you'd chosen me. I would have loved the responsibility
e) Does it really matter who did what, where and when? Really?
f) Would it hurt to just shut up sometimes?
g) I wish I could bring myself to hate you and stand by what I told myself (and everyone else) I would do. I still don't understand why I can't
h) You're a fucking hypocrite and I wish you realised how hurtful the things you said were
i) I miss you
j) Sometimes I wonder if you just include me because you think you should, but secretly think I'm annoying

9 things about yourself...
a) I'm studying Creative Writing and English at Uni
b) I have 4 cats
c) My dream growing up was to be a famous author
d) I bottle stuff up more than is good for me
e) My favourite chocolate is galaxy or milky bar
f) I have a teddy bear called Fred
g) If you look up 'fail' in the dictionary it has a picture of me
--okay this one isn't actually truse, but it should be!
h) I love over-the-knee stripy socks and own a ridiculous number of pairs
i) I have an irrational fear of the sea; I won't even paddle in the shallows because I'm scared of being attacked by sharks

8 ways to win your heart...
a) Buy me pizza!
b) Don't treat me like a human doormat
c) Make me laugh
d) Take an interest in what I say/so
e) Don't make me feel like I have an IQ of about 10
f) ...Buy me pizza!
g) Don't act clingy and possessive
h) Don't diss things I like and act like I'm scum for liking them

7 things that cross your mind a lot...
a) Am I being annoying?
b) "I can't do this"
c) "What day is it, again...?"
d) Stuff that's happened in the past that I have a tendency to dwell on
e) Wondering what I'm actually going to do with my life
f) blah
g) more blah. I don't think my mind works like normal people's. I have no idea what thoughts cross my mind, to be honest.

6 things you do before falling asleep...
a) Brush my teeth
b) Get annoyed that I can't sleep
c) Think about stuff that's happened during the day
d) Play out interesting scenarios in my mind
e) Plan out potential storylines
f) Listen to music

5 people who mean a lot...
a) Bug
b) Shiro
c) Janey
d) Saiyu
e) Hestir
plus a whole bunch of other people but I can only list 5 ;~;

4 things you're wearing right now...
a) black socks with little skull & crossbones on them
b) jeans
c) black cardigan
d) my watch - on the "wrong" (i.e. right) wrist

3 songs that you listen to often (currently)...
a) On the Rise - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
b) Mr Brightside - The Killers
c) Ash Like Snow - The Brilliant Green

2 things you want to do before you die...
a) Have one of my books published
b) Travel the world

1 confession...
--okay again, not actually true. But I can't think of anything >_>

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