It's true. Sometimes you come across people who are complete douches and shouldn't be allowed to be on the internet; these are the people who think it is okay and sometimes even funny to belittle people and just generally act and say things out of line. It makes me wonder if they act like that in real life. If yes; why weren't they brought up better?? Often they are people who are old enough to know better, but clearly they just don't seem to care. If that's not what they're like in real life, why do they think it's okay to act like it online? Just because you're not face to face with someone and you don't know who they are, doesn't mean it's okay to treat them like rubbish or act like you're better than everyone.
Luckily I've never had to deal with people like this, but I have seen the above-mentioned things happen.
Anyway, luckily enough people like that only take up one fraction of the internet. Luckily, the awesome and hilarious people more than make up for the idiots. For example, I started to read the comments in this thread (warning: semi naked anime guys, NSFW comments, and possible spoilers for the series), and it just made me realise how much I love the internet, and some fandoms sometimes. The way people have read too much into a poster of all things just made me laugh so much, partly because...well. They are still plausible suggestions for what is happening! Not canon-ly, of course, but then again, I doubt the characters would go to the beach for a day together canon-ly, 2nd ED non-inclusive. Other than that, the way these people have looked at the way the characters have been drawn and devised scenarios from it is just plain epic, and hilarious.
I realise this is kinda a sucky lolcat Tuesday entry as no one else that reads my blog regularly is really into Gundam 00, but nevermind. It still made me lol.
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