Thursday, 13 March 2008

8 questions

Tagged by Saiyu~

Write 8 random facts about yourself, then tag someone else to do the same.

1) I am also the first person in my family to go to uni
2) I have performed at several theatres in London, including The Royal Albert Hall
3) One of my favourite subjects to read about is the First World War
4) Ich habe Deutsch seit sieben Jahren gelernt(*)
5) The first anime I ever watched was Full Metal Alchemist
6) I have only ever been to 3 gigs
7) I have 4 cats
8) My favourite ballroom dance is Tango and my favourite Latin American dance is the Jive.

Anyone who wants to fill this in...TAG!!

(*)I learnt German for 7 years

Also, end of term tomorrow, which means I'll be heading home for a few weeks. Don't know what internet access I'll have though, so this may well be the last update for a while.

Root of all Evil

Money changes everything. The self-righteous bastards in life will tell you otherwise. They'll say that you don't have to be rich to lead a good life; you just need the love of your family and friends. As long as you have a roof over your head everything's fine. Ha. What do they know? They could never hope to understand what it's like, trying to feed a family of six with twenty dollars a week. My mom doesn't have any qualifications, so she can't get a well-paid job.

So when her latest boyfriend suggested robbing a convenience store to get some money, I didn't protest. I was young, stupid...what did I care about right and wrong, when for so many years I'd gone without so much?

It was meant to be a fool-proof plan. Dave had gotten us plain jump-suits, easy to dispose of and not the sort of outfit that witnesses would remember. I wasn't too happy about the gun though...I hated having to hold it.

...I didn't mean to shoot that woman. I know, that's what they all say, but I really didn't. She startled me...something as natural and ordinary as a sneeze turned me into a killer.


The above is a short-short story I had to write for uni ^^

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Dreaming about chocolate doesn't count...

This is actually me. I'm one of those people that will sleep as much as I possibly can, and then some more, preferably. You know the sort: can't really function properly on anything less than 10 hours sleep. In fact I have one friend who just can't understand how I can say goodnight to her online one night, thus going to bed before her, and yet still wake up after her the following morning.

What can I say, sleep is definitely one of those things that is not overrated. I love this video, because it's just so true. I always work out exactly how long I need to do everything the next morning...and then still snooze the alarm when it goes off. And I'm such a sleep gambler. Luckily I've rarely been caught out and actually properly gone back to sleep, but mornings are just hard. Those extra two minutes you could be not!asleep are highly important!

Oh and apologies for the language in the video. Apparently the F word makes comic routines much funnier.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

It's so easy when you know the rules

Epic game of naughts and crosses. They didn't believe me when I said I was rubbish at the game, but as you can see in the animation above (which is a 100% true account of what happened), I was not exaggerating! Alissahart deliberately went somewhere that allowed me to win, and even after debating where I should go, I did not realise this until I started to draw my circle in the top free space, only to have both her and another friend wave their hands in frustration and whisper "nonono!!". Oh lol.

In which there isn't much to say...

I finally got round to posting my blog for cultural exchanges. It took me forever because a) I forgot about it for a couple of days :S
b) I kept rewording bits and pieces in it

I'm still not completely happy with some parts, but what can ya do. I figured it was better to get it up and posted rather then just leave it. Plus I wanted to be able to cross it off my To Do List o' Doom, which seems to be having more stuff added to it then crossed off ¬_¬;

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Happy first of the month~

Last night I dreamt (or should that be 'dreamed'? I get confused with the two...) that I joined a syncronised swimming team. I am now intrigued as to where the heck that came from. I was always under the impression that dreams were connected somehow to something you'd done that day, but...I don't even remember the last time I went swimming, and I certainly haven't thought about going recently o_O

Of course, there was other stuff to the dream too, like cameos from some family members and whatnot, but it was mostly just about swimming. What's even weirder - I've never shown any interest in syncronised swimming. I don't really see the point to it.

Also, something baaaad has just happened to one of my favourite characters in a tv show I watch. ;___; It's upset me for the rest of the daaay (which, granted doesn't have much longer. Lol for weekend lie-ins). ZETSUBOU SHITA DX